Now open the Downloads folder of your Mac and locate the Surfshark configuration files you already downloaded.You downloaded them in the second partof this guide. Set your preferences for the Tunnelblick app and click Continue.Double-click the Tunnelblick icon in the next window.To start the installation process, double-click on the Tunnelblick installation package that is in your Downloads or Recents folder.Locate the installation package in the Downloads or Recents folder on your Mac.Click the green arrow to download the latest Tunnelblick version.

Firstly, go to the official Tunnelblick website.We recommend the UDP protocol because usually, it is faster, but feel free to read more about different protocols and decide for yourself. Select which file to download - UDP or TCP.If you prefer connecting to Finland, download the configuration file for Finland - Helsinki.

If you'd like to connect to Poland, download the Poland - Warsaw or Poland - Gdansk configuration file.

This is where you will find all details required for manual connection. Here is how you can get your Surfshark credentials: Please note that’s not the email address and password you use to log in to your account! You will need Surfshark service credentials in order to connect to the VPN using a manual OpenVPN connection. Make sure your connection was successful.If you don’t have a subscription yet, you can get it on our pricing page. You will need a device running macOS and an active Surfshark subscription.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up the Tunnelblick app on your macOS device.