- #Bioshock infinite songbird archive
- #Bioshock infinite songbird series
- #Bioshock infinite songbird crack
JPGonzaga840 Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, BioShock Infinite Language: Español Words: 6,265 Chapters: 5/? Kudos: 2 Hits: 76 Part 1 of The missadventures of Sansa Stark in multiple universes.
#Bioshock infinite songbird series
"El falso cordero, resultó ser un lobo" Series O: No se supone que la chica en la torre deba ser pelirroja, no se supone que deba ser ella, pero lo es, y Booker hará todo lo posible para sacarla de ese infierno de ciudad flotante. Si un hombre pudo ser capaz de crear una ciudad en el cielo ¿Sería ella suficiente para recrear el castillo de sus fantasías? El solo pensarlo la hizo reír con amargura y sin gracia, pequeña avecilla tonta." "Desde su torre no hacía nada más que fantasear y soñar con “Winterfell”, era aquella por supuesto, un lugar ficticio, sacado de sus propias fantasías, los dibujos y cuadros hechos por ella misma, representaban un enorme castillo de piedra gris, cubierto por un páramo blanco de nieve espesa, rodeado estaba por árboles de corteza blanca y hojas del color de la sangre, tenían también caras talladas en los troncos robustos, caras que lloraban espesa savia del mismo color de sus hojas. VangelisMorgan Fandoms: BioShock Infinite, Game of Thrones (TV) Language: English Words: 7,328 Chapters: 31/31 Kudos: 3 Hits: 285 With Great Power Comes Great ResponsibilityĪs the Dark Revival nears, another round of Bendy and the Ink Machine prompts arrive Series.Mecha9Viceroy74 Fandoms: Bendy and the Ink Machine, Ratchet & Clank, BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games), BioShock Infinite, Epic Mickey (Video Games), Cuphead (Video Game) Can our unlikely hero Henriette Stein travel through alternate versions of the Sillyvision studio, stop the Ink Machine from ruining time and space and get along with alternate versions of herself, or himself? Language: English Words: 10,593 Chapters: 9/9 Kudos: 5 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 251 When a syphon opens up in an alternative version of Columbia that should not exist, something is bound to go wrong, especially for the people already living in the dimension. Original Bendy and the Ink Machine Character(s).Alice Angel (Bendy and the Ink Machine).Mecha9Viceroy74 Fandoms: Bendy and the Ink Machine, BioShock Infinite, BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games) Language: English Words: 47,447 Chapters: 20/? Collections: 1 Comments: 129 Kudos: 201 Bookmarks: 63 Hits: 8,282 Part 12 of Random BNHA Crossovers and other stuff How will she cope in a world so different from her own? And why do these twins have such an interest in her?Ĭolumbia Arc: 1-12 Burial Arc: 13-18 Homecoming Arc: 19-? Series
#Bioshock infinite songbird crack

Language: English Words: 3,151 Chapters: 2/? Comments: 4 Kudos: 2 Hits: 57 Thank you kindly for reading, and I hope you all enjoy them. I am open to any and all constructive criticism you may have for all chapters in this work. These are all going to be me essentially writing out scenes within the game series, and possible original character things thrown in. This is more of a collection of writing exercises for myself rather than a story.
#Bioshock infinite songbird archive